Michael & Beth Dennis

Cali, Colombia

Michael and Beth Dennis are missionaries to the South American nation of Colombia.  In May 2020, Michael graduated with his M.Div from the Master’s Seminary.  Michael and Beth have grown immensely both spiritually and in ministry training at Grace Community Church with Michael heading up an evangelistic outreach at the church and leading a Bible study through the Grace Life Fellowship Group.  Michael has a passion to reach the lost in Colombia through evangelism and to help the saints there to grow in their understanding of how to glorify God in every area of their daily lives that they may be presented complete in Christ (Col. 1:28).

In Cali, Michael will have the privilege of helping to plant a local church with Santiago Armel.  His desire is to help establish a healthy biblical counseling/discipleship culture within the church.  He also seeks to assist in training indigenous pastors in the Scriptures, theology, and preaching God’s Word both publicly (from the pulpit) and privately (in biblical counseling), so that these pastors will be able to properly feed and shepherd their flocks.  God has richly blessed Michael and Beth with five children:  Aden (August 2012), Benaiah (February 2014), Judah (February 2016), Magdalena (March 2018) and Abigail (May 2020).

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Our ministry in Colombia will focus on three key areas:




Lead the establishment of a new Biblical Church in Cali (Iglesia Bíblica Cristiana de Cali).  Shepherding, leadership training, preaching, and teaching God's Word in our local context as well as in other churches.
Equipping pastors to understand, explain, and apply the Word of God to preach Christ and establish biblical churches.
Continue with a Biblical conferences ministry to encourage and equip church leaders and create fellowship among believers with the same philosophy of ministry based on sound doctrine.  Along these lines, an annual conference called “Baluarte de La Verdad” was begun in 2019.

Cali, Colombia

  • Cali is one of the three largest cities in Colombia along with Bogota and Medellin and has a population of around 3.4 million.
  • Official language - Spanish.
  • It is the main urban and economic center in the south of the country and has one of Colombia's fastest-growing economies.
  • 80% Roman Catholic.
  • 12% Self-Proclaimed Evangelical, of which over 90% are Charismatic/Pentecostal/Prosperity Gospel.  Cult groups such as Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are also included in this 12% number.

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